Category Archives: Baby Sleeping

Between 2 and 12 months, babies generally sleep 9-12 hours at night. Most babies aged 7-12 months go to bed between 6 pm and 10 pm. During the day. At this age, most babies sleep for 2-4½ hours during the day, divided between morning and afternoon naps.

Is the SleepCurve Mattress safe to use when my baby rolls onto their tummy?

Parents often ask what to do when their baby rolls on to their tummy and is the SleepCurve mattress still safe to use. When this occurs, it would be true to say that the beneficial supportive effect on the back of the baby’s head is not being employed. Many babies prefer sleeping on their tummies […]

Baby Sleep

Thoughts on sleeping issues in babies by Philip Owen D.O. (Paediatric Cranial Osteopath) When asked about lack of sleep in babies at my Children’s Clinic, I usually remind parents that babies not only should, but need sleep and it is extremely rare for a baby not to need much sleep. Much of the growth and […]

SleepCurve versus Helmet – as a means to treat Flat Head Syndrome

SleepCurve versus Helmet – as a means to treat Flat Head Syndrome By Philip Owen, Paediatric Cranial Osteopath When I am asked in my clinic to comment about the benefits of helmet therapy compared to that of a SleepCurve mattress, I usually start by explaining the important fact of which every parent must be aware. […]

Sleep When they Sleep

Once you are over the shock of having a newborn in your life, and the semblance of a routine begins to form in your days, some of the ‘good advice’ you are given starts to seem a little dull, case in point being ‘sleep when they sleep’. You very quickly realise that if you sleep […]

The Selfish Parent

One mum once told me that parents should apply the same rule to their parenting as they do to their safety on aeroplanes. That is, to fit your own mask before helping your child. It can be an uncomfortable concept, but it is so important to remember that in order to be a good parent, […]

5 Tips for a Healthier and Happier Sleep

As a nation obsessed with sleep and how much we can glean night on night, it is no surprise that everyone has an opinion on how to get a baby to ‘sleep through’. Listen to any mums group chatting and the topic of sleep will come up regularly, and often involve mums boasting that their […]

Noisy Newborns!

From pregnancy to pram, there are hundreds of worries that warp the new mum’s mind. No mum expects to sleep seamlessly with her new baby in tow, but few are prepared for the anxiety that can strike in the middle of the night. There are hundreds of resources available on the subject of newborn sleep, […]