From pregnancy to pram, there are hundreds of worries that warp the new mum’s mind.
No mum expects to sleep seamlessly with her new baby in tow, but few are prepared for the anxiety that can strike in the middle of the night.
There are hundreds of resources available on the subject of newborn sleep, pages of e-advice at your fingertips and countless wise words from friends, relatives and even strangers in supermarkets. But nothing prepares you for the first weeks and months of newborn noises.
The noises made by a tiny baby at night are incomparable to anything a new mother has ever heard before. They vary from baby to baby, but tend to consist of snorts, whines, wheezes, grunts and even growls.
The right position of the baby’s head can help reduce these noises, and taking the baby off a flat surface and using a specially engineered mattress such as SleepCurve can make the world of difference.
Putting your baby ‘back to sleep’ is of utmost importance and has been proven to reduce the risk of SIDS. However, lying a newborn baby on its back on a flat surface means that the infant’s chin touches its chest. This unnaturally restricts the baby’s airways and can cause snoring and grunting in a newborn, and eventually such breathing will be uncomfortable to baby waking it up.
If a baby can rest its head in a natural and neutral position, the airways are opened, making her more comfortable and more likely to sleep through the night, peacefully. Which of course allows parents to sleep through the night without analysing every single snuffle their newborn utters.
SleepCurve’s moses basket mattress rests baby’s head in such a way that you can hear the difference from the moment the baby is placed in the basket. So, peace of mind, and a peaceful night!