Philip Owen talks about how you can spot the early signs of Flat Head Syndrome.
Tag Archives: Treatment of Flat Head Syndrome
Parents often ask what to do when their baby rolls on to their tummy and is the SleepCurve mattress still safe to use. When this occurs, it would be true to say that the beneficial supportive effect on the back of the baby’s head is not being employed. Many babies prefer sleeping on their tummies […]
Thoughts on sleeping issues in babies by Philip Owen D.O. (Paediatric Cranial Osteopath) When asked about lack of sleep in babies at my Children’s Clinic, I usually remind parents that babies not only should, but need sleep and it is extremely rare for a baby not to need much sleep. Much of the growth and […]
TEN Facts to Clarify and Reassure Parents who may be considering using a SleepCurve Mattress The SleepCurve Company respects people’s opinions, however some comments that have made are misguided, factually incorrect and are misleading for other parents. The comments come from people with a limited understanding of Flat Head Syndrome, SIDS or any clinical knowledge […]
Do’s and Don’ts to Help Your Baby Stop Developing Flat Head Syndrome and Start Self-Correction DO Understand the cause of Flat head Syndrome (Plagiocephaly) When the weight of your baby’s soft round head is placed against a flat surface such as flat mattresses, car seats, bouncy chairs or even the floor whilst on their back, […]
SleepCurve versus Helmet – as a means to treat Flat Head Syndrome By Philip Owen, Paediatric Cranial Osteopath When I am asked in my clinic to comment about the benefits of helmet therapy compared to that of a SleepCurve mattress, I usually start by explaining the important fact of which every parent must be aware. […]
Every parent is naturally concerned about the safety of their new-born, when using various baby products. The sad fact is that based on current statistics, for every 3,500 babies born, there will be one fatality, leaving the family devastated. The actual cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is not fully known. There is much […]
The SleepCurve Mattress has been extensively tested in Clinical Trials – the results of which have been widely published and presented both in the United Kingdom and Internationally. The clinical evaluation study of the SleepCurve Mattress in the treatment of Positional Plagiocephaly (Flat Head Syndrome), was carried out at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. […]
SleepCurve Mattress Clinical Study at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital The report on the clinical study of the use of SleepCurve mattresses in the treatment of Flat Head Syndrome (Positional Plagiocephaly) was published in: Here is a section from the ‘Abstract’ “The aim of this study is to document changes in head shape associated with use […]
Philip Owen explains some of the many benefits in using the Sleepcurve Mattress for your baby. The unique patented design of SleepCurve mattresses are the result of more than a decade of work by Philip Owen, one of the UK’s leading cranial osteopaths, who specialises in treating babies from new-born onwards. The mattresses provide five […]