Tag Archives: Acid Reflux

Baby Sleep

Thoughts on sleeping issues in babies by Philip Owen D.O. (Paediatric Cranial Osteopath) When asked about lack of sleep in babies at my Children’s Clinic, I usually remind parents that babies not only should, but need sleep and it is extremely rare for a baby not to need much sleep. Much of the growth and […]

Reflux in Babies

Reflux in babies – what is it and are there alternatives to a reflux wedge or reflux pillow? Acid reflux or ‘posseting’ as it’s also known, is unpleasant for both parent and baby. Acid reflux in babies is common, but it can be challenging to cope if you’re a new parent trying to work out […]

Acid Reflux in Babies, Sleep Position Can Help

One of the most common and distressing conditions that affect babies in their first year is acid reflux, sometimes referred to as Gastroesophogal Reflux Disease. It is the cause of great discomfort and sleepless nights and is caused by stomach acid coming up from the stomach into the oesophagus, the tract that takes food from […]