Part Three of the Philip Owen Interview

This is the third and last for the time being, in a short series of Questions answered by Philip, about Flat Head Syndrome and how a SleepCurve Baby Mattress can really help.

SleepCurve is the brainchild of Philip Owen D.O., B.Sc. (Hons), a leading Paediatric Cranial Osteopath who has spent 20 years studying and treating tension in babies’ skull bones. His pioneering research has significantly advanced our understanding of both babies’ and children’s sleep problems, arising from tension in the bones of the skull. Parents come from all over the country to his Manchester clinic and he is considered one of the leading practitioners in the UK. He lectures for the British School of Osteopathy Society and was the BSO’s leading external examiner.

Philip is married to Catherine and is a parent to two daughters and a grand-parent.

We interviewed Philip to find out more about SleepCurve and his passion for treating and curing Flat Head Syndrome.

Q6. What are your thoughts about recent research that says cognitive and motor delays may be linked to ‘Flat Head Syndrome’ in babies?

To be more specific the research over the past 10 years shows that children having been babies with plagiocephaly (Flat Head Syndrome) are less likely to excel, either in the playground as well as the classroom.

Q7. Why are SleepCurve mattresses so unique?

SleepCurve mattresses are so unique because they have never been thought of before. Little time has been spent in relation to baby ergonomics and baby comfort. Generally baby product manufacturers have been more concerned about the visual impact of products and not the needs of the baby. SleepCurve mattresses are the only mattresses in the world that have been designed specifically with the baby’s shape in mind. They mimic exactly the position the baby would be in if the they were to be cradled in the crook of their mother’s elbow. They allow the airways to be open and allow the baby to feel the freedom of its body.

Q8. What can parents do to prevent and treat Flat Head Syndrome in their baby?

Prevention is simply by choosing a SleepCurve mattress on which to lie your baby if you follow the safely guidelines in putting your baby in the face up position. If there are no flat surfaces in contact with your baby’s skull bones there would be no flat head syndrome.

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