Do’s and Don’ts to Prevent Developing Flat Head Syndrome

Do’s and Don’ts to Help Your Baby Stop Developing Flat Head Syndrome and Start Self-Correction


Understand the cause of Flat head Syndrome (Plagiocephaly)
When the weight of your baby’s soft round head is placed against a flat surface such as flat mattresses, car seats, bouncy chairs or even the floor whilst on their back, the risk of developing flat head syndrome increases.


Allow your baby to be in contact for longer periods of time than absolutely necessary on flat mattresses, car seats and bouncy chairs.


Place your baby on their tummy for part of the day whilst awake and on a SleepCurve mattress for when they are on their back.
Unlike a flat mattress, the SleepCurve mattress is shaped to fit your baby’s head, and cradles it comfortably, reducing the pressure from gravity on any one particular spot.


Encourage your baby to turn their head in both directions and NOT only to the flat side. If your baby has a stiffness in rotation to one side consult your Doctor, Health Visitor or Paediatric Cranial Osteopath.


Put your baby directly on the floor whilst lying under a play-gym – a carpet can do as much damage to your baby’s head as a hard, flat mattress. Use a SleepCurve Activity Mat ( under the gym and also as a mobile changing mat.


Encourage your baby to turn their head away from the flat side by using distraction techniques or encouraging finger sucking on that side.


Whenever possible, sit your baby / hold your baby so that his / her head is not against a flat surface – for example, in a bumbo or a high chair, without a flat support at the back of the head.

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